- Should your home heat tank be installed inside or outside of the home? Based on statistics, you are 7-10 times more likely to have a major failure and an environmental incident if your storage tank is located outside. Insurance studies have determined that 90% of remediation costs have been attributed to outside tank installations. Whenever possible locate the tank inside as your heating system can be tuned efficiently which will reduce the oil consumption. If you must put the tank outside install a non-steel tank or double bottom steel tank with a top outlet.
- Can I install an Oil Yeller myself? It is our general recommendation that a heating oil service technician install the tray systems; however we realize that some individuals can do it themselves and in some areas technicians are not readily available. The only tank tray models we recommend you install yourself are the narrow retrofit containment tray (Model PA-002 (Canada) or PA-004 (USA)).The filter & burner protection trays can also be installed in most cases by the homeowner. These models are referred to as the L-Shape Burner Tray (PA-005) and the Rectangular Filter Tray (PA-008). These models generally slide in under the filter or burner appliance and do not require any touching of lines, tank or equipment. If you are not handy with home improvements or feel uncomfortable with the task, ask your oil service technician to install the device. If you are planning to install our wide tray or other tank tray (Models PA-001, PA-003, PA-007, PA-009 or PA-010) these need to be completed by an oil tank installer during the tank installation process. With the exception of the direct connect security alarm (A-004), the alarm can be easily installed by the home owner. The A-004 model alarm requires a security company technician to install this device into your security system.
- My alarm will not stop beeping even when there is no oil in the tray. What is wrong?
Usually this could be one of two things:1. Most commonly the 9 volt battery needs replacement. The alarm is constantly checking the battery voltage and it will go into alarm when the voltage is too low. Replace with a new 9V alkaline battery (not an old battery you find in your desk drawer!)
2. The float is touching the tray surface allowing the float to be raised just enough to sound the alarm. Re-adjust the alarm on the velcro surface to allow the float to hang freely.
- Will my insurance company offer a discount if I install this device? Most insurance companies recognize the reduction in risk this device provides, thus are willing to offer a small yearly discount. If you require a proof of purchase, print off and mail in the warranty card information with the serial number.
- Can I install a tray on my outside tank? The answer is no! This system is for inside installations only. It will fill up with water outside. It needs to be inside, or inside an enclosure and away from any sunlight.
- Why do I need an L-shaped Burner Tray? Statistics indicate approximately 30 percent of the leaks and spills occur through fittings, filters and line connections. This tray allows your entire oil storage system to be protected from leaks when you use a coated fuel line. It also protects the home from water damage when placed with a boiler.
- Why do I need a Rectangular Filter Tray? In some cases the L-Shaped Burner Tray cannot be installed due to some restrictions or obstructions. In these cases a rectangular filter tray works fine. In most cases this tray is designed to fit under the filter and/or burner. In some jurisdictions a tray under the filter is required as part of the installation code. These trays can be alarmed.
- How do I know what tank tray I require for my installation? Please click here to refer to our product selection guide to determine what tray model you require for the tank you are considering.
- How do I go about getting an Oil Yeller system in my home or cottage? The best approach will be to contact an oil burner service representative oil supplier or oil tank installer in your area and go over your requirements with them. Hopefully they will be familiar with the products and options.
- How can I monitor my oil system remotely? Currently you will require a 12 volt security system in your home and wire the A-004 security alarm directly to that system. This system will allow you remote monitoring.If you have a wireless security system you will need to use a A-004 alarm with a 120V AC to 12V DC adapter (can be found at The Source).